Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Heights Bike Trail (West/East) – Part 1

Nothing bucks me up more than finding a new walk.   T and I decided some time ago to find nice places to walk within the loop.  Sometimes we stray a little further out but mostly we keep the drive short to give us more time to talk while we walk.

On Heights Bike Trail, facing west at Heights Blvd and 7th St.
This week we found the Heights Bike Trail which provides a short cut through the Heights residential area to Downtown. It’s new to us so we started out in good spirits at Lawrence Park on Shepherd and 7th Street where it was easy to park the car and we headed off towards Downtown. 

The trail is comfortably smooth under foot and not too busy mid-morning.  It’s November, and a thick border of Black-eyed Susans  to the right of the path made us feel we were out in the countryside.  The very varied houses and gardens lend plenty interest to the eye on the left.

Gradually you become aware of the increasing noise as you approach the I10 but before the path takes you right underneath it you can pause on the bridge over the Bayou and watch the herons and egrets fishing and enjoy the view over Stude Park to the north east and the cityscape to the southeast.

Immediately under the I10 you arrive at the shops off Sawyer Street.  We decided to turn back at this point.  The return stretch was equally pleasant and as the noise abated we relaxed into the quieter neighborhood.   We were surprised how few of the streets crossing the path had Stop signs so the walk may feel different when the traffic is heavier.

We rounded off the morning with a breakfast at Dry Creek Café on Yale at 6th Street.  Food was good and the atmosphere was friendly – we’ll be back. 

More about the next stretch another day.

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